Academic publications
- Stich, J.-F., Tarafdar, M. (2024). Technostress. In: Cooper, C.L., Brough, P., Anderson, V.L. (eds) Elgar Encyclopedia of Occupational Health Psychology. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Tarafdar, M., Stich, J.-F., Maier, C., Laumer, S. (2024). Techno-eustress creators: Conceptualization and empirical validation. Information Systems Journal.
- Stich, J.-F. (2023). Towards a Sustainable and Supportive Email Culture. In: Di Fabio, A., Cooper, C.L. (eds) Psychology of Sustainability and Sustainable Development in Organizations. Taylor & Francis.
- Nicot, S., Stich, J.-F. (2023). Travailler Encore ? Sciences et Fictions sur le Futur de l'Emploi. ActuSF.
- Tarafdar, M., Wenninger, H., Stich, J.-F. (2023). Email Overload: Investigating Technology-fit Antecedents and Job-related Outcomes. The Data Base for Advances in Information
Systems, 54(2).
- Stich, J.-F. (2022). Psychologie et Gestion du Travail Virtualisé. Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Strasbourg.
- Stich, J.-F., Mairesse, P. (2022). Web Robinson, vivre le télétravail extrême par identification narrative. Revue française de gestion, 48(304).
- Tarafdar, M., Stich, J.-F. (2021). Virtual Work, Technology and Wellbeing. In: Wall, T., Cooper, C.L., Brough, P. (eds) The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Wellbeing. SAGE Publications Ltd.
- Stich, J.-F. (2020). Flexible Working and Applicant Attraction: A Person-Job Fit Approach. Personnel Review, 50(1).
- Stich, J.-F. (2020). A Review of Workplace Stress in the Virtual Office. Intelligent Buildings International, 12(3).
- Stich, J.-F., Tarafdar, M., Stacey, P., Cooper, C. L. (2019). Email Load, Workload Stress and Desired Email Load: A Cybernetic Approach. Information Technology & People, 32(2).
- Stich, J.-F., Tarafdar, M., Stacey, P., Cooper, C. L. (2019). Appraisal of Email Use as a Source of Workplace Stress: A Person-Environment Fit Approach. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 20(2).
- Tarafdar, M., Cooper, C. L., Stich, J.-F. (2019). The technostress trifecta - techno eustress, techno distress and design: Theoretical directions and an agenda for research. Information Systems Journal, 29(1).
- Tarafdar, M., Stich, J.-F. (2019). Information and Communication Technology: Understanding Their Dark-Side Effects. In: Ray P., Sarkar R., Sen A. (eds) Economics, Management and Sustainability. Springer, Singapore.
- Stich, J.-F., Tarafdar, M., Cooper, C. L. (2018). Electronic Communication in the Workplace: Boon or Bane?. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 5(1).
- Stich, J.-F., Tarafdar, M., Cooper, C. L., Stacey, P. (2017). Workplace stress from actual and desired
computer-mediated communication use:
a multi-method study. New Technology, Work and Employment, 32(1).
- Stich, J.-F. (2016). Email Stress and Desired Email Use. Doctoral dissertation, Lancaster University.
- Stich, J.-F., Farley S., Cooper, C. L., Tarafdar, M. (2015). Information and communication technology demands: outcomes and interventions. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 3(1).
- Stich, J.-F. (2013). Trust Formation in Virtual Teams - A Vignette Experiment on the Interplay Between Authentic Leadership and Media Richness. Master's thesis, Aston Business School.
Conference papers
- Colin, T., Grasser, B., Stich, J.-F. (2023). Cobots et production responsable : les récits de science-fiction comme outils de prospective sur le futur du travail. Communication au GRT compétence, 34° congrès de l’AGRH. Presented 25/10/23.
- Colin, T., Grasser, B., Gurtner, E., Pierronnet, R., Stich, J.-F. (2023). Combining industrial and environmental transitions: the VIVERES project. Third Eureca-Pro conference on responsible consumption and production. Presented 26/09/2023.
- Akkan, E., Stich, J.-F., Canhilal, K. (2022). How Various Modes of IT Use Lead to Job Insecurity During Rapid Digitalization: An Identity Approach. Academy of Management Proceedings.
- Stich, J.-F., Mairesse, P. (2022). Mieux Vivre le Télétravail Intense. Presented at the 3rd RIPCO conference, Online. Presented 17/06/22.
- Stich, J.-F., Mairesse, P. (2022). Web Robinson : Vivre le Télétravail Extrême par Identification Narrative. Presented at the 31st AIMS conference, Annecy, FR. Presented 02/06/22.
- Stich, J.-F., Dandoy, A. (2022). Speculative Fiction Writing for Counterfactual Theorizing in Management Research. Presented at the 6th RGCS Symposium, Montpellier, FR. Presented 21/01/22.
- Stich, J.-F. (2018). Embedded in Two Countries: A Psychological Approach to Remaining a Cross-Border Commuter. Presented at the Association for Borderlands Studies 2nd World Conference, Vienna, AT. Work-in-progress paper, Refereed, Presented 11/07/18.
- Stich, J.-F. (2017). Predicting Perceived Fit and Intentions to Apply from Job Offers Content and Job Seekers' Desires. Presented at the Small Research Group Meeting on Person-Environment Fit, Antwerp, BE. Work-in-progress paper, Refereed, Presented 29/07/17.
- Stich, J.-F. (2016). Matching Job Ads to Job Seekers’ Needs for Flexible Working: A Machine Learning Algorithm to Predict Perceived Fit. Presented at the 5th Global e-Conference on Fit. Work-in-progress paper, Refereed, Presented online 08/12/16.
- Stich, J.-F. (2014). Stress and Virtual Interactions at Work: A Person-Environment Fit Approach. Presented at the EAWOP Small Group Meeting on Opening New Frontiers in Person – Environment Fit Research, Amsterdam. Paper, Refereed. Presented 15/10/2014.
- Stich, J.-F. (2014). Investigating a Person-Environment Fit Approach to Stress and Virtual Interactions at Work. Presented at the 64th annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Seattle, WA. Work-in-progress paper, Refereed, Presented 24/05/14 in the 'research escalator' session.
- Stich, J.-F. (2014). Well-Being and Virtual Interactions at Work: Have We Abandoned the Individual?. Presented at the 64th annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Seattle, WA. Preconference paper, Refereed, Presented 22/05/14.
- Stich, J.-F. (2014). Well-Being and Virtual Interactions at Work (Three-Minute Thesis). Presented at the Lancaster University Postgraduate Research Conference, Lancaster, UK. Presented 22/04/2014.
Professional articles and conferences
- Stich, J.-F. (20 May 2024). Faut-il arrêter avec le télétravail et revenir au bureau ? Non.. Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités.
- Basnier, J. (host), Stich, J.-F., Nicot, S. (1 May 2024). Voyage dans l’Imaginaire – Episode 52. Radio Tou'Caen.
- Brisson, G. (host), Stich, J.-F., Lebon, D. (21 November 2023). Expérience en télétravail au bout du monde : les bénéfices employeur (webinar). Holiworking webinar, LinkedIn.
- Milion, N. (host), Stich, J.-F., Marchand, A. (9 September 2023). Le travail, c’est la santé… vraiment ?. Sciences sur la Place, Nancy.
- Aprofin (host), Stich, J.-F. (7 December 2022). Psychologie et Gestion des Nouveaux Modes de Travail Virtualisé. Matinale Aprofin : Présentiel, distanciel, multicanal: Impact sur les organisations et les personnels.
- Khan Academy (host), Stich, J.-F. (7 October 2022). The other face of ed tech and STE(A)M teaching (roundtable). Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Miller, S. (host), Stich, J.-F., Soulas, F., Dufour, C., Kyrou, A., Dunyach, J.-P. (15 October 2021). Imaginaires et Frontières du Travail (roundtable). Les Imaginales 2021, Épinal.
- AFDT (host), Stich, J.-F., Adam, P., Peyronnet, M., Loiseau, G., Ivernel, W., Gouttenoire, A. (presenters) (11 February 2021). Intelligence artificielle, gestion du personnel et droit du travail (webinar). AFDT - Association Française de Droit du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale.
- Gravel, L. (host), Stich, J.-F., Piechowski, J., Clouzet, P. (interviewees) (8 November 2020). Dimanche en politique - Grand Est : Le télétravail en question ! (TV show). France 3 Grand Est.
- Université de Lorraine (host), Stich, J.-F., Beucherie, S., Colas, M., Jeanblanc, F. (interviewees) (15 October 2020). BRUNCH virtuel "Covid-19 : les entreprises se réinventent" (webinar). Brunch Université de Lorraine.
- Fay, P. (host), Stich, J.-F., de Calignon, G. (interviewees) (29 June 2020). 2020, l'an 1 de l'ère du télétravail (audio podcast). Les Echos LaStory.
- Stich, J.-F., Mairesse, P., Toulemonde, G. (19 March 2020). 40 jours de télétravail coupé du monde : conversation avec le « Web Robinson » Gauthier Toulemonde. The Conversation.
- Frtisch-Renard, E. (host), Stich, J.-F., Rabut, J.-E., Adam, J.-M. (23 April 2019). Santé au Travail et Technologies & Organisations (roundtable). Colloque SECAFI : Regards croisés sur les enjeux de santé au travail.
- Stich, J.-F. (28 January 2019). Sept bonnes raisons de ne pas répondre (tout de suite) aux e-mails. The Conversation.
- Stich, J.-F. (26 March 2018). Faut-il dématérialiser ses employés avec un aller simple pour le cyberespace ?. Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités.
- Stich, J.-F., Gallineau, T. (10 July 2017). Coworking : pourquoi pas pour les salariés de grands groupes ?. Les Echos Solutions.
- Stich, J.-F. (01 October 2015). Attitudes Towards Technology: Impact on Wellbeing and Performance.. Presented in in a webinar organised by Maudsley Learning on the topic of "Employee Wellbeing and Performance - The role of technology in the modern workplace"..
- Stich, J.-F. (04 August 2015). Well-being and virtual interactions at work: Interacting how we want. Chartered Management Institute.
- Stich, J.-F. (25 September 2014). The effect of virtual interactions on wellbeing. HR Magazine.
- Stich, J.-F. (04 September 2014). Entre jeu vidéo et psychologie positive, les « Sims » découvrent les émotions. Le Monde.
- Stich, J.-F. (27 April 2014). L'entreprise archipel, futur refuge des travailleurs nomades. "Génération Mobilité 2014" by Orange, SIA Partners and Le Monde. 2nd best article.
- Stich, J.-F. (10 April 2012). Relations Intimes avec Applications Libérées. "Génération Mobilité 2012" by Orange and SIA Partners. 1st best article.